presented by +DEDE
Artist: Franck Rausch
@ +DEDE *Office*
AUG 14 - 15, 2021
Opening: AUG 13, 2021 | 6PM - end
“I like to imagine the everyday as a temporality in search of its future, a future that we have yet to invent. It overtakes us with an almost corrosive omnipresence. It is a place of experience, of self-construction and of imagination from which I draw my subjects.
Without any real rules or hierarchies, I extract fragments, details and objects that capture my attention and with which I create worlds. Reality sometimes slips away and is tinged with fantasy, while certain elements transform and become almost incarnate to become the actors of sketches that tell of daily life made of joys and sorrows. One painting calls for another; the images follow one another and respond to each other. On this taut cotton playground, I mix writing that is sometimes smooth and unctuous, sometimes thick and pasty. Like territories that are mapped, the scattered elements that make up my images leave the viewer the choice of his or her own, whether clean or dirty, imaginary.” Franck Rausch, 2021.

Picture: Franck Rausch, 'Moi, le dentiste, 2 injections et 1 extraction', 2020, huile sur toile, 60x40 cm, (detail).