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Synthetic transfer zones

Autorenbild: Treptow AteliersTreptow Ateliers

presented by +DEDE


Emma Adler, Matti Isan Blind, Tobias König, Alex Lebus, Caroline Streck, and Joshua Zielinski

@ +DEDE Hall

AUG 14 - 15, 2021

Opening: AUG 13, 2021 | 6PM - end


Synthetic transfer zones must have major normal faults dipping in the same direction. This exhibition features works that have grown as self-propelled inquiry, either professional or personal, and have been developed into various independent forms.

The selected positions will be presented in the temporary shell of +DEDE, a space of extraordinary ruggedness, blending poetics of fragility and power.

The attempt of this grouping of works is twofold - a rendezvous of positions negotiated by placement, size, shape, colour; but also within this vivid, light space – its myriad layers manifest like fault lines at break-off point. Can the works assert themselves within this ‘zone’? Can meaning and intention be transferred to others? Will the synthetic qualities of the works create a synergetic effect ? We are excited to enter this field of negotiation.



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